DIY Presentation Apps Due for Maker Faire

Defy market forces. Bring your phased out product back.

Before there was Google Glass (or after) . . . there could have been–well, now there is–something like this:

raspberry pi google glass cap 508x322

Google Glass too expensive? Don’t fret. Make it yourself.

Maybe we are not all tuned in to computer technology enough to visualize what an Arduino could do, or how we could make it copy someone else’s clever invention. Here’s an ambitious “maker” who used the Arduino Raspberry PI to make his own version of the Google Glass, a Google project that came out in 2012 and was being phased out by January, 2015.

Head mounted displays are definitely the latest fad that’s going around town now. You might have seen several wearable displays such as the google glass, and many others including virtual reality systems like the oculus rift. Head mounted displays are primarily used for video sharing, navigation, checking notifications, etc. However, several pioneers argue that the quintessential use for it have not yet been identified. But, if you ever wanted to build one for yourself from scratch, and are not willing to pay 1500$ just to experience its functionalities, then this DIY Head Mounted Display tutorial is for you.

This DIY hacking tutorial will show you how you can make your own head mounted , virtual reality or augmented reality displays. I have built a “Smart Cap”, first of its kind, having a head mounted display on it. Here, I will instruct on how to build a monocular wearable display that runs on the raspberry pi as seen in the picture above. The system includes a webcam for video sharing and recording and also incorporates voice recognition for a hands free experience. Thus, you will be able to build an interactive voice recognition based wearable display at the end of this tutorial.

You will find the complete Google Glass via Raspberry PI tutorial at, a public domain image from the tutorial being shown above, from the publication, “How To Be a Maker, ” by Arvind Sanjeev and Nidhiya V. Raj, which you may download from the tutorial page of by clicking the image below.


Renee Leech
Renee Leech is an Education Copywriter on a mission to fight shallow reader experiences. She writes articles, B2C long form sales letters and B2B copy with tutorial value.


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