The Brain-Computer Interface in 2015: Are We Telepathic Yet?

Photo attribution-top: By Anders Sandberg from Oxford, UK (BCI) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

*Photo attribution: See below.

Paraplegic kicks off the 2014 FIFA World Cup

VIDEO 1 min. 24 sec.: In June, 2014, a 29 year old paraplegic man, Juliano Pinto, successfully made the first kick at the FIFA [Soccer] World Cup in Sao Paulo, Brazil. His kick was made possible by an exoskeleton, a type of robotic suit, designed to take commands from its wearer’s brain. The news video was cut a bit short, but here it is.

More details on the FIFA World Cup kickoff exoskeleton

VIDEO 5 min. 4 sec.: The exoskeleton worn by Juliano Pinto was provided by the Walk Again project, an international collaborative effort involving 150 researchers led by Brazilian neuroscientist Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, based at Duke University. See Dr. Nicolelis and the exoskeleton in the video below, which provides a bit more detail about the project.

*See complete photo information here.

In the above video, an overview of the components of the research setup were provided. To see those components in a list, visit the next page.

Renee Leech
Renee Leech is an Education Copywriter on a mission to fight shallow reader experiences. She writes articles, B2C long form sales letters and B2B copy with tutorial value.


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