Is Your Cell Phone Giving You Brain Cancer?

Where is the pre-market and court-ordered research on cell phone health effects?

Pre-market health effect testing of cell phones was not required.

Dr. Weil, in his article entitled “The Cell Phone Poisoning of America,” states:

Because cell phones operated at such a very low power it was not possible for them to heat biological tissue.

Therefore, the government excluded cell phones from the requirement of doing any pre-market safety testing. The microwave oven was used as the example in the cell phone industry’s claim [that cell phone radiation levels are safe].

. . . Current standards for safe radiation exposure are based solely on this heating, or thermal effect. No testing was ever done to evaluate whether or not the frequencies themselves might be harmful. This was left to chance discovery. It is a giant experiment that every cell phone user is participating in today.

Results of later research was not disclosed by cell phone companies.

Dr. Weil enumerates findings after research was done on cell phone radiation effects, after a cell phone company was successfully sued for causing an individual’s brain cancer. [Our comment: Some cell phones now contain an anti-lawsuit agreement in the event of contraction of cancer.]

Dr. Weil notes that the cell phone companies declined to release research results corroborating the incidences of injury and cancer with cell phone use.

What additional threats related to cell phone technology are found by Dr. Weil?

Dr. Weil considers the Specific Absorption Rate, the FCC standard for evaluating a cell phone’s health threat, to be deficient, as a standard for evaluating cell phone safety.

Basically, the Specific Absorption Rate FCC regulation merely requires cell phone companies to identify how far away from the body the cell phone must be held, to avoid unsafe radiation exposure.

Dr. Weil feels that, in addition to the need to prevent cell phone contact with the head and vital organs, other threats associated with the technology must be addressed.

Bystanders are exposed to the health threat.

Dr. Weil cites a study that indicates a cell phone in use 10 feet away will irradiate persons within the 10-foot radius, likening use of cell phones in public as the equivalent of smoking, which exposes nearby persons to cancer-causing, secondhand smoke.

Wired and wireless headsets worsen the health threat.

Dr. Weil considers that using a headset with a cell phone actually increases the risk. The risk of harm is increased with use of either a wired headset or the wireless Bluetooth.

Dr. Weil, as a result, endorses an air tube headset.

However, he feels using the right headset is not the only precaution that needs to be taken.

Cordless land line telephones pose a greater health threat than cell phones.

Dr. Weil expounds on headset technology and explains why DECT (Digitally Enhanced Cordless Technology) land lines are even worse than cell phones, as to health effects.

Diagnose insomnia: Is a Baby Monitor or Cell Phone Tower nearby?

Dr. Weil discusses that baby monitors and cell phone towers are known culprits for such health problems as insomnia, headaches, dizziness, and depression.

Dr. Weil offers a website reference for those interested in locating any cell phone tower nearby: He observes that antennas are sometimes camouflaged, so as to be unobtrusive in the environment.

What are Dr. Weil’s recommendations for safer cell phone use?

The foregoing summary of issues discussed by Dr. Weil would make us all uncomfortable with our cell phones. Thankfully, Dr. Weil offers a few ways in which the health threat from cell phone radiation, and related technologies, can be lessened.

You will appreciate Dr. Weil’s partial solutions, here.

For a further discussion of precautions, click the next page number.

Renee Leech
Renee Leech is an Education Copywriter on a mission to fight shallow reader experiences. She writes articles, B2C long form sales letters and B2B copy with tutorial value.


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