What Ever Happened to the NASA-Inspired Plant Air Purification Revolution?

What are Wolverton’s recommendations on best plants for a “newbie” to convert to hydroculture?

Dr. Wolverton recommends using the following two plants for your initial transplanting experience from soil to hydroculture, stating, “These plants are very hardy and do well making the transition.”

  • snake plant, or
  • golden pothos

Dr. Wolverton states:

Although all plants are able to clean the air, the snake plant or golden pothos are recommended. They are extremely robust and adaptive to new environments such as the soil free environment of the Plant Air Purifier®. Plants occasionally go through a period of shock when transferred from soil to hydroculture. To ensure a successful potting process and accelerate the acclimation time using either a golden photos or snake plant is highly recommended.

Dr. Wolverton notes that a nurseryman may transfer the plant to the hydroculture medium on your behalf, for a small fee.

He indicates that, for those who are a bit more “green thumb” oriented, the following plants have all been effectively used in the Plant Air Purifier®.

  • Rubber Plant,
  • Dracaena,
  • Janet Craig,
  • Ficus Alii,
  • Peace Lily,
  • Warneckei,
  • Dragon Tree,
  • Weeping Fig or
  • Aglaonema

Dr. Wolverton recommends that a 6 to 10 inch potted plant is chosen.

Source: Instructions.

Click next page to see a Do-It-Yourself method for testing your indoor air for VOCs.

Renee Leech
Renee Leech is an Education Copywriter on a mission to fight shallow reader experiences. She writes articles, B2C long form sales letters and B2B copy with tutorial value.


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